maandag 4 april 2011


This weeks assignment was about chairs, which chair represents your personality, so the whole week I had chairs in my mind, never thought it was interesting to think about chairs, but it was, one chair was not enough for me :-) I also found a special art-chair-blog with pictures of all kind of chairs.

7 opmerkingen:

  1. It's fantastic - love your chairs of different shades and angles and the play with shadows. What soft colours. Great style. Very attractive pieces.

  2. de schaduw v d stoel tegen het plafond wil er stiekem vandoor, juist die stoel vertegenwoordigd jou onverwachte kant

  3. prachtig , je stoelenstapeling.

    (en het schoolstoeltje de personificatie van de gretige leerling )

  4. “Who is sitting in that empty chair?”

  5. Heel mooi gedaan! Prachtige subtiele kleuren en mooie schaduwen! Het kleine stoeltje staat op een lekker zacht kleedje:)

  6. Love the face of the woman, how she thinks about the chair. She doesn't look very happy, but it still makes me smile!
